Saturday 25 June 2011

One Human Race One Divine Path One Creator

I begin my thoughts and speech by absolute Mercy and hereby Praise Almighty Allah SWT beyond any numbers words uttered by Human beings from the beginning of the time till the present moment.Wth Salutation and Salam to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and his holy descendants. With humbless i Request Almighty Allah SWT to gift all of the rewards of the Praises and The Salawat & Salam to My Beloved Mursheed , Spiritual Guide , My Mentor and Teacher Sultanul Awliya for the Humans , Jinns and Malaikaat Shaykh Muhyuddin Abdul Qadir Al Jailani [ QSA].

One Human race from one human species.With different cosmetic look but with a single color of red blood and one Universal Breath from ONE Powerful , Merciful Source.Acknowledging the truth of a single human race from a single species and of a single breath embodying a soul and body of every living human being, those we lived from the beginning of time and those who are gonna live till the end of the world that has been endowed and created with a single universal version of Life Force flow unseen and proven by the flow of seen internal body mechanism of Blood flow.

Simply put it, we are from One Human Race, With One same Breath of Oxygen , with red blood flowing through every living human being and of the entire human being ever lived and gonna live till the last man going to be created.Therefore with such perfect arrangement of A Universal plan , there should be only one path to the truth and to the path to realize One Single Universal Power, this also depicts the principle of such Universality and Uniqueness of Created Beings having a Single plan , single system to have just One Leader for the humanity. That One Leader of the Humanity must be able to lead us to a Single Power that blends so well with the Universal Law of Oneness.

The One who created the entire humanity, the creations in the heavens , skies, and all of the planets and billions of galaxies and stars must be from a Power of a single source.No mind will accept no matter how many worshiping he undertakes in his life , he is automatically inclined and forced by his weak mind to accept and think of only ONE SINGLE CREATOR. With more than One Creator which no sane mind can accept will lead the entire creations into chaos and utter confusion.

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