Monday 27 June 2011

Meditation Classes & Majlis ILMU


Every saturday we hold classes of Meditation.
Meditation united your heart with your deep inner being. Due to Meditation you achieve peace , tranquility , happiness of the heart and soul , contentment and sort of feeling lightness all over your body and internal consciousness. [ Try it to believe it - to know the state of internal transformation].

The Meditation Classes Focuses on ISLAMIC method of Meditation.Zeroing yourself and detaching your heart, mind , feeling and internal mind, emotional , spiritual consciousness from the world and creations during the meditation and connecting your internal self to the Divine Power , Divine Breath , Divine Mercy , Divine Benevolence will trigger your internal consciousness into a world of Peace of Mind , Light , Tranquility and away from all kinds of negative thoughts and worries.

Breathing Meditation with The Name of Almighty Allah
Meditation of Light
Meditation of ZIkirullah
Meditation Enhancing the Feeling of Peace , Tranqulity and Happinessat Four Human Levels of Consciousness

Meditation is the practice prescribed to all of the 124,000 prophets and messengers of Allah and especially to Our Beloved Prophet SAW. The reason of the revelation while Prophet Muhammad SAW was in cave hira was during the time of meditation. We are advised by the Holy Prophet SAW to be in ikhtikaf at masjids during the month of ramadhan, which is the mode to get into the practice of meditation. Not a single Wali Allah has left this practice to obtain the close proximity [ Qurub Illahi ] to Almighty Allah SWT.

Majlis ILMU

What is ILMU Rabbaniyah [ Divine Knowledge]?. Divine Knowledge are extract from every single verse of Al Quraan and greater and deeper explanation of Al Quraan and of  its Understandings ,Meanings , Knowledge , The Science of Reality Knowledge , The Knowledge Ocean behind the KALIMAH Robb beyond the Knowledge of Reality . Today what we learn in Madrasah , Masjids , Colleges , Universities and Higher Education Centers , Specialized Centers are only the Translation and some incidents attached to the revelation of those verses of Al Quran. Commentaries are additional preview and knowledge relating to the current and past happenings and history related to those verses.

Al Quraan is not only for the sahabaas and those period of the companions and the Tabiyeen , it is meant for every humanity till the end of the Universe and forever and Almighty Allah's Words and revelation will be relevant forever and towards eternity.All that Allah SWT revealed is for every moment and period of the life of humans on this earth and the hereafter.

Every Word of Almighty Allah SWT contains oceans of Knowledge , Wisdom , Reality and hidden knowledge. This is confirmed by Almighty Allah SWT in Al Quraan Surah Al Khahfi Verse 109.

Say [Oh RasoolAllah], to mankind , if the seas were converted to become ink for [writing] the WORDS of My Lord, Surely the seas would be exhausted before the WORDS of my Lord would be finished, even if We brought [ another oceans] like it for its aid.

Look , how could ever we restrict the Words of Almighty Allah SWT to a mere few lines of translations and incidents when there are huge oceans of Knowledge in every Word of Almighty Allah as explained above by Our Lord Himself.Denying would tantamount to the denial of the Kalimah of Allah SWT which leads one into the pit of Disbelief, May Allah SWT protect us from such disbelief and denials.

  • Knowledge of  Self Realization 
  • Knowledge of Divine Realization
  • Knowledge Discussing in detail About Being Grateful to Almighty Allah SWT at all times
  • Knowledge Discussing the Oneness in Reality and Practicality 
  • Knowledge Discussing the Method of Concentration in Prayers [ Solat ]
  • To reach the 7 Points in Prayers 
  • The Importance of Knowing the the Wisdom of Qiyam , Ruku and Sajda 
  • The Importance of Enhancing of One's Faith 
  • The Path to Sincerity 

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