Saturday 25 June 2011

Fill Into Your Heart Zikirullah - The Remembrances of Allah

I begin My thoughts and speech by Praising Almighty Allah SWT Who is beyond any Human capacities to Praise Him the way He Should be Praised. I Send and Convey the Best of The Salawats and Salam to Beloved Prophet SAW equivalent to the numbers of atoms contained in the Stars and Galaxies numbering to 200 over billion in numbers,then I transfer the rewards of the Salawats whihc are 10 times in fold recited by Allah SWT to My Beloved Mursheed Shaykh Sultanul Awliya the head of all the Walis from the beginning of the time to the end of the days.

Fill your hearts and thoughts with ZIkirullah [ Remembrances of Almighty Allah] , Constant,repeated Zikirullah, as this is the Command of Almighty Allah SWT, It is a command for every muslim and believers. If you do not fill your hearts and thoughts with Zikirullah , The Evil Self [ Nafs ] and The accursed Syaitan will fill destructive , Egoistic, dangerous thoughts and whisperings into your chest and hearts with poisonous elements of evil inspirations. This is confirmed by Almighty Allah SWT in Holy Quraan in Surah 114 Verse 4-6]
Min Sharil Was Wasil Khanaz , alazhi yuwaswisu fi suduri nas , minnal jinnaty wa nass
[ From the evil whispering and doubt making khanaz [ iblis] , who whispers into the chest of the humans, [ the whispering] of those from jinn and the humans [ nafs]. 

To make is the Command of Almighty Allah SWT. He is the One who created us and therefore He is aware and knows the significance , the impact , the powerful effect , the tranquility and peace it can bring to the heart and soul every muslim that Remembers Him.The emphasis given on the subject matter of Remembrance of Almighty Allah is great that one would think there is no greater worship than that. Yes it is true , without the element of Remembrances of Almighty Allah SWT in any undertaking of the worships, that worships will have no value and meaning. Not only that the worship without ZIkirullah will not carry any weight in the presence of Almighty.
Why is that so?. Because if your hearts and thoughts are not filled in with the Remembrances of Almighty Allah [ Zikirullah] very definetely your hearts and thoughts will be completely occupied by syaitan and nafs who will drive you with endless thoughts after thoughts , imaginations after imaginations , evil inspiration after evil inspiration and eventually bring you to world of forgetfullness thus making your worship totally null and void.You would consider your own worships as of bad quality worships , how would you then dare to present such worships filled with forgetfulness and negligence to Almighty Allah SWT Who is Himself A Perfect teacher and Guide , who do not compromise anything less than a Sincere , Devoted , dedicated worship from His Servants.

If your worships are filled with thoughts other than Almighty Allah SWT then you are for sure filled in with thoughts of the Creations , this shows that Almighty Allah's thoughts are not of a great priority to you and you have brought down the level of importance of Remembering Almighty Allah SWT in your heart and worships.You have indirectly and directly without your own cognition given higher priority and importance to Creations and inspirations of evil and devilish thoughts.

At this juncture you have no other alternative but to learn the techniques of Divine oriented Remembrance - The Constant Remembrances [ Zikiru Ala Dawam ] you need to acquire the knowledge from Ahlu Zikir. The role and responsibilities of An Ahlu Zikir is to convert the Monkey like mind and the horse like thoughts to become focused and Divine Zikir oriented heart and thoughts.

The command of Allah is very clear , the command is to be obeyed and followed, then applied at once for experiencing the powerful impact of the Zikirullah on your Life , on your heart and on your Soul.

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