Sunday 6 January 2013

The Supreme Worship The Witnessing of ILLAH and Then Allah Subhana Wataala in Akhirat

  • 25 Years of My Research not a single dictonary , books , kitaabul falsafah , kitaabul Iman , kitabul uloom , can even translate the word ILLAH - Illah does not mean god [ DOG ] and doesnot also means tuhan ; Allah Subhana Wataala WT Says in Al Quraan only to call Him by Beautiful Names - And dont call Him Bad names [ Surah Al Araaf 7 - Ayat 190]. So if we dont even know the meaning of ILLAH how would we claim to Know Allah - when we dont even learn the Most Important Knowledge that Allah Subhana WaTaala wants us to learn [ Surah Muhammad - ayat 19].
  • Drismailkassim Kassim If you know your ILLAH , you have achieved the Greatest Learning of this Lifetime , First Know the Translation , then the Meaning , Then the Application , then the Wisdom , then the Reality , then the application - the application is by Syahadah the Witnessing , and The Real Witnessing when w e are about to breath our Last and the Actual Witnessing in yaumul qiyamah , if we dont learn this Witnessing here Allah Subhana Watalla Says He will raise up the Muslims who dont make this witnessing as BLIND People , neither they can see Allah nor the Holy Beloved Prophet sallAllahu Aalaihi Wasalam.
  • Drismailkassim Kassim Surah Taha - Verse 123-125 , Raised up blinds because they did not make 24 hours syahadah , yes 24 hours syahadah by your witnessing of eyes and heart , not by tongue , what a easy way to make a permanent ibadah , through syahadah , that is why Allah Subhana Watalaa made the KALIMAH syahadah 24 letters , as basic as possible so that we have no excuse that Allah have reminded us even by the most simplest way of Knowing that Allah wants us to make 24 hours Syahadah , if we do not know this that means we have never learnt the Kalimah syahadah which the Holy Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasalam for 13 years and this is the last kalimah which we should utter before we DIE so that we secure the promise of Allah and RasulAllah sallAllahu alaihi Wasaalam.
  • Drismailkassim Kassim Syahadah is the Most Easiest and the Most laziest Deed in this life but counted as 70 years of worships , more than the worship of 70 years. Syahadah leads you to do Zikir , Tafakur , tazhim , takbeer and tasyahood.
  • Drismailkassim Kassim Syahadah is ibadul Akbar , you know there are Oceans of Knowledge and Wisdoms in this Powerful KALIMAH syahadah.
  • Drismailkassim Kassim Syahadatul KALIMATAIN is the KALIMAH IHSAN - do you know what EHSAN means , the Most Highest Worship and the worship of Permanent Witnessing in this World and Hereafter - IHSAN [ Rasulullah SALLAHU ALAIHI WASALAM bersabda, “Ihsan ialah engkau menyembah Allah seolah-olah engkau melihat-Nya. Jika engkau tidak melihatnya, maka yakinlah bahwa Dia pasti melihatmu.” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) . So dont underestimate the Knowledge of Syahadahtain.

1 comment:

  1. Perenggan terakhir bahagian Rasulullah aw bursa bad tub x beer apa faham
